Monday, August 11, 2014

To Vada Belle, on your second birthday

My little firecracker. You are a walking force of attitude, humor, and facial expressions. People comment often on how much personality you have without ever having met you or spoken to you. They have no idea. You are more determined than most 30 year olds and have the most independence that far surpasses your two years. On the flip side, you make everyone who knows you crack up with your sarcastic facial expressions and general goofiness. Daddy and I think you may perform on SNL one day, a deadly combination of humor, beauty, and don't mess with me attitude. As hard as it is to parent you some days, I know that one day in the future these will be a blessing as no one will be able to persuade you away from what you want. You have become a total Daddy's girl despite your ability to make him more frustrated than anyone else can. You wake up in the night calling for him and ask every single morning where he is on days he works.
You love to share food, but not toys. You are the best mommy to all of your babies which are by far your favorite play thing. You love to wear rain boots, and not much else, and can go from fully clothed to naked faster than I can turn around. You are potty trained, but don't like to tell us when you go, asking us to leave you alone and saying you can do it yourself. Your absolute favorite food is ice cream with cherry tomatoes a close second.  You have already started stringing together letters of the alphabet and singing the words to Jesus Loves Me. You and Lucy are beyond close and just this morning you woke up and climbed in bed with her before coming to look for me. I know becoming a big sister in a few weeks will be a big adjustment for you but I am fully confident you will embrace it fully. You already talk to your baby sister and give her kisses and try to feed her through my belly button. You ask me if she's kicking and reserve toys you know she will like to play with.
Your vocabulary is absolutely insane for your age and you interact with people like you are twice the age you are. I think that is why Daddy and I didn't have such a hard time with you turning two because you already act far older. We are not pushing you to grow up though because the rare times you do sit still you are such a loving little thing. I still get to rock you to sleep for naps but bed time is reserved for daddy and you always like to point out the book that you and daddy read the night before.
You are such a joy in our lives, Vada Belle, and we consider it an honor to be your parents. Watching you everyday, there is never a dull moment and we live for the next laugh or display of attitude. You are going to conquer the world, and we will be there with you, just trying to keep you clothed.

34 Weeks

I was trying to come up with a clever title for this post but nothing worked. Yes, I have already completed 34 weeks of this pregnancy and only have 6ish more to go. But seriously, SIX MORE! I am convinced this little woman will be late but also have in the back of my mind that both Lucy and Vada came early so maybe I don't have another six full weeks. We are in full blown pregnancy symptom mode over here. Horrendous heartburn for the first time ever, waddling when I walk, rib pain, hip pain, pressure, exhaustion, clothes fitting one day and not the next, etc. It is so easy to get down on myself and what little I can accomplish anymore but I still feel absolutely blessed to be carrying another little girl. This little lady gets the hiccups several times a day, stretches those limbs out on both sides of my belly at once, and I am pretty sure is packing on the pounds rather quickly. James and I both feel like we can really feel a little body instead of just movement. I still love feeling her move around and I can't help but picture the way things will be as a family of 5. I have a few things left to do before her arrival, wash the car seat, assemble the swing, pack our bag, but I am holding off until September so I feel like we still have things to do besides wait. Lucy is already giving people instructions on what is acceptable around the baby and has told me where she will go when the time comes to deliver. Vada has really started showing more interest and will kiss my belly and say hi baby, as well as try to feed her things through my belly button. Baby girl has no idea what she is in for... more attention, love, touching, and general lack of personal space that any baby has ever seen. And I cannot wait for it all.