Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sun Bun Saturdays

Fresh baked pastries. A morning with daddy. Vada's cheeks in her winter hat. Our little Lucy turning into a lady right before our eyes. Pretty swirls on a latte. Old people telling us to enjoy this time with our girls. Tapestry tablecloths. Downtown Chestertown. Perfect Saturday mornings that pulled us through the crappiest of winter months... Evergrain Bread Company and Sun Buns

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Life Lately

Well, it has been quiet on here for quite a while. Between four consecutive weeks of sickness with the girls, one blah mama during the month of February, lots of overtime for Daddy, a new computer that I want to throw across the room every time i use it am learning to adjust to and planning Vada's baptism, I haven't been very blog vocal. I am so happy to say, though, that the girls are now well, February will be over in 4 days, and I was able to get our good ol' laptop up and running to be able to get back on here. Next up is March with the promise of Spring, Lucy's 2nd birthday and an unexpected vacation planned to Amelia Island in April... things are certainly looking up!
A photo highlight of the past few weeks...
 The saving grace of a day remotely close to being warm enough for reading outside
Just another day
The very rare occurrence to hold Vada for a nap
Swinging sisters
Valentine's Day was somewhere in the mix too...
I plan on devoting another post to what pulled us all through the trenches of February... until then :)

Vada Belle's Baptism

"For this child I prayed, and the LORD has given me what I asked of Him. So now I give her to the LORD. For her whole life, she will belong to the LORD."
1 Samuel 1: 27-28
Sunday, February 24, 2012
Pastor Mark Farnell

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It is OK

Sometimes, you just have to do what you have to do to get through the day. I used to be harder on myself about it, thinking that any wrong thing I did was going to have lasting consequences on the little souls I am shaping. Welp, not anymore. I have decided it is OK to do some things for your self, your sanity, and the wellbeing of your children.
  • to hide in the bathroom to eat the last cupcake
  • to let Lucy have a donut for breakfast instead of the green smoothie I made her
  • to make a trip to the library for only movies
  • to take both kids into the liquor store at 10:30 in the morning
  • to leave the baby vomit on the floor for the dog to get
  • to get dressed for the day when i see Jameson's car pulling up in the evening
  • to not totally hate pumping only when i have a beer in my hand
  • to not do what the doctor/ other parents recommend when it comes to taking care of my children
  • to adapt the "dangerous or just disgusting" rule one of my friends taught me
  • to remind myself that at the end of the day, even when i feel like i failed at everything i attempted, there is still nothing i would rather be doing

Monday, February 4, 2013

Vada at 6 Months

Little miss is now 6 months old! I can not believe how quickly the past six months have passed and that in another six we will be celebrating a first birthday... oh how the time flies.

Vada is more and more herself everyday and seems to have found her voice again, usually squealing or saying "da da." We are still waiting on the belly laughs even though she smiles 90% of her waking time. The exception seems to be men without beards... strange but true. She plays shy when people talk to her, turning into my shoulder with a smile. She will happily play by herself on the floor for long periods of time, as long as she is sitting up. She doesn't roll around much when she is on her back, choosing instead to play with her toes.

She still wakes up every two and a half hours all night to eat but occasionally will do a four hour stretch for me. I am hoping as we start introducing foods her sleep habits will improve but I am in no rush to push food. So far we have tried avocados and bananas which she seemed to like. We also started giving her a sippy cup which she seems to be happier chewing on than drinking. She has yet to pop a tooth but has been putting anything in her mouth she can get her hands on and drooling like crazy. The doctor mentioned at her four month appointment that her teeth were close so I guess they are hiding where ever that belly laugh is too.

She loves to watch her sister and Otis and I can tell she is eager to get in the middle of it all herself. Nursing has become more like a wrestling match with her constantly being distracted by any noise or voice.  I am hoping to start easing her out of sleeping in the swing so she gets used to being in her crib or in bed with us, plus it gives us an excuse to rock more together. At this point, the most memorable thing about this little lady is her smile. She has a huge smile that totally takes up all of her giant cheeks and makes those little eyes nothing more than slits. I love seeing that smile, even in the middle of the night when I go to pick her up for yet another feeding. This month we are looking forward to her baptism and first valentines day, as well as introducing more foods. As much as I love seeing Vada and Lucy interact more, if we could just slow down time a little please, I am so not ready to let go of my baby yet. I love you Vada Belle.