Wednesday, July 25, 2012

38 Weeks

   Baby and I are now 38 weeks! This being a second baby, I know what I am in for but all I am feeling is excitement and extreme impatience. I think being told at 35 weeks that I could potentially deliver any day, and now being 3 weeks out from that has seemed like months. We had an appointment yesterday and were told that baby has dropped because I am measuring smaller than last week and that baby is engaged. I am 3 cm dilated and 60% effaced which really doesn't mean much other than that all these braxton-hicks are doing some work. I did decide to have them swipe my membranes which evidently didn't work because there was a 24 hour window which ended at 4pm today.
   Over the last week I have started taking daily, some times twice daily, walks which Lucy and Otis love. I have had good days and bad which is to be expected at this point. My biggest obstacle has been the lack of sleep and keeping up with Lucy. I just can't seem to get comfortable at night and the frequent bathroom trips don't help. Last night, however, I slept wonderfully and feel like a new woman today! I also have developed a head cold since Sunday which is just weird in July but I have read it can be a symptom of pregnancy. Some days I was nauseous every time I ate and I find myself eating less and less to stay comfortable and combat the heartburn that has come back (half a watermelon in one afternoon excluded).
   After our appointment yesterday we had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings but so far we haven't had the same results that we had with Lucy. I am spending as much time playing with Lucy as I can and being sure to cherish every time I get to rock her to sleep and lay down for naps with her. I am also trying to keep the house clean, the laundry caught up, and every little end tied up  so everything is ready when the time comes.
   Hopefully all this walking will get things moving and I will have a more exciting next blog...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lucille Lately

  • Learns a new word every day and is becoming more and more vocal all the time; likes to point out birds, ducks, and boats and ask "See it?"
  • Loves to go anywhere
  • Currently obsessed with her pink jellies, pickles, and play doh
  • Helps Mama do chores around the house; laundry, cleaning, putting things away, giving Otis treats
  • Started drinking milk and dunking any food within reach in the glass
  • Starting to work on potty training
  • Moved into her own room and has been sleeping better ever since
  • Actually becomes more beautiful every day and is going to be a big sister any day!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

37 Weeks!!!

WE ARE OFFICIALLY FULL TERM! I am beyond thrilled to have made it to this milestone. Knowing that from this day on baby will be healthy and thrive once on the outside is such a relief. We had our ultrasound appointment yesterday and baby is laying head down on its side. Just like at our 20 week ultrasound, baby would not show its face so we have yet to get a good view of this kid. All we could pick out was the tip of a nose. Our midwife didn't go below the lungs so yes, we still plan to be surprised at the birth with the sex of the baby. I am measuring a little small at 34 weeks but the midwife said she was not concerned considering my frame and that I measured small with Lucy. We have weekly appointments now and were told that as of next week we could do a "membrane sweep" if we choose to possibly help labor start. I haven't done my research on it so that's my job for the next few days.

I have been feeling strangely well the past couple of days, minus the nightly headaches. Now that we are full term I am picking up my activity level as much as possible to keep things in order and take some of the work off of Jameson. The baby's activity has finally slowed down though I definitely still feel movement. Mainly its a rolling feeling as baby switches from side to side. The heat makes it impossible to do anything outside which is rough on both Lucy and I. I find myself switching between being so anxious for this baby to come out and loving the last couple of weeks with just Lu. I have been thinking about having her make something for the baby so when we bring it home she will see who all this baby talk has been about.

Jameson asked me to have the baby next Friday so he can have the most time off to be with us. Part of his plan is going to Buffalo Wild Wings next Thursday night since that is where I went into labor with Lucy. My sister offered for me to use her treadmill since I can't walk outside so hopefully I can track a few waddles on there. I have noticed some signs of impending labor but I won't share those fun facts on here. If all goes according to (Jameson's) plan I will have one more weekly update so stay tuned! Any last minute guesses on boy or girl????

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

36 Weeks


YAY! We made it another week :) Baby is hanging in there but did give us a bit of a scare this past weekend. Some AC, relaxing, and lots of water calmed things back down. Maybe it was the family camp out in the 100+ weather that set baby off. This week has been full of ups and downs and I seem to feel differently day by day. I am hardly sleeping at night and the amount of pressure I am feeling has reached an all time high. I basically despise wearing clothes and wiggling into a bathing suit almost didn't happen but the amazing relief of floating in the pool made it worth it. I can't seem to get enough watermelon lately but meals are becoming smaller and smaller as my belly gets bigger and bigger. All of baby's clothes and blankets are now washed and folded and I am feeling much better about being prepared. No one seems to think that we will make it close to August 8, including the old lady at my pedicure appointment today who asked me how many days until I was due. When I told her four weeks she confidently said "Uh huh, no way. That baby is ready to come out." Then she told me she was a nurse her whole life. Who knows. One day it will seem labor is imminent and the next day I will feel like I still have weeks left. . Baby is definitely running out of room but instead of calming down, it only seems to be more active, stretching and pushing for space. My goal for the next few days is to get our bag packed and to get Jameson to build a base for the bassinet. I am so looking forward to our appointment next Tuesday and getting to see baby's little face. It will also mean we made it to the 37 week mark and that we can deliver in the birthing center. Keeping my fingers crossed and (trying) to keep my feet up!

My face is pretty much exactly how I feel about having my picture taken at nine months pregnant. And notice the room! It's (almost) done! Now just to hang a mirror, pictures, and make it more homey.

Monday, July 2, 2012

35 Week Wake Up Call

So as of Wednesday (or yesterday depending on which due date I use) baby and I will be 35 weeks. We just left our midwife appointment which was not as uneventful as one would like to hope with 5 weeks still left until August 8th. I was telling my midwife some of the things I have been experiencing over the past two weeks since our last appointment. While nothing was alarmingly wrong, some of my symptoms are similar to early labor. She then told me that since my babies are so close in age, I am at an elevated risk for preterm labor. Additionally, my body will be extra effecient when I do go into labor since it was only last March that I delivered Lucy. While everyone says they can't wait to meet their baby as they near the end of pregnancy, now I can. She advised me to keep drinking a ton of water and instructed me that it's time to significantly slow down, an active body means an active uterus, and take it easy for the next few weeks. That should be easy for a mom of a 15 month old to do right? If I make it to 37 weeks I am still able to deliver in the birthing center but I am hoping to make it to 38 weeks for a full term, healthy baby. Needless to say, it is not at all what I expected to hear at my appointment today and the full force of baby August is hitting home. In just a matter of weeks, there will be a brand new baby for me to love and take care of in addition to loving and taking care of Lucy. Basically every emotion in the world is running though my pregnant, hormone hijacked body right now. So for now, our days will be slowing down a bit and I will be grateful for every day that baby August stays put until we reach our 38 week mark. It is extremely hard for me to accept help from anyone, especially with Lucy, but I now need to realize that baby August may need attention a little earlier than expected and that I am responsbile for keeping this baby and myself healthy. I am so blessed to have a family who has already showered me with offers of help and encouragement and reminded me that no matter who Lucy spends time with, she will be as well taken care of and loved as when she is with me.
    Other news from the appointment included baby's healthy heartbeat around 130 bpm and me up 2 pounds since my last weigh in. Two weeks from tomorrow we are scheduled for our ultrasound to make sure baby and mama are in position for delivery.
   I have just started noticably swelling over the past week and finally had to take off the wedding bands for now, which I consider pretty lucky for a summer pregnancy. Moving around is getting more and more challenging, most notably when I try to turn over in bed or go from sitting to standing. I have been having a lot of pressure which I am thinking is baby settling into position for delivery which also means not much room for my bladder or my stomach. I don't feel like my belly has lowered any but the pressure tells me otherwise. On a positive note, I was able to give myself a pedicure this past weekend and found the cutest maternity bathing suit that fits me perfectly. Yay for small accomplishments!
   Over the next few weeks as I concentrate on slowing down, I want to focus on my babies. I am looking forward to not trying to multitask during the day and being able to just sit and play or read with Lucy, knowing it is whats best for baby August too. I want to cherish every day that my baby gets stronger and fatter :)  and rolls around letting me know he/she is ok in there. In a matter of weeks, there will be no such thing as slowing down when I become a mama of 2 but for now, I get to and that's enough for me.