Wednesday, June 27, 2012

34 Weeks

In just six short weeks, give or take, I get to meet this little person who has overtaken my body. While I don't feel hugely pregnant, I do feel pregnant every minute of every day. The books say baby weighs about 5 pounds and is close to 20 inches in length so no more growing just gaining. Movement has not slowed down at all but now my belly completely morphs every time baby rolls or moves. Sleep is a challenge and the afternoon naps with Lucy have all but stopped as I try to get lots done while I have a few minutes to myself. The nesting instinct is kicking in hard so this week I finally got the foam for the bassinett and got around to trying a new brand of diapers out. I also vaccuumed three times in four days and cleaned all the windowsills in the house which is something I have never done since we moved in three years ago so needless to say I am having an energy burst. But by the end of the day I am DONE. I am lucky that I don't have much swelling yet but once evening rolls around my toes and feet do need a break and my back tells me when I have to stop for the day. I have constant pressure from the weight of the baby which makes doing most everything pretty difficult at this point but I am trying to keep smiling and remind myself it means that baby is very close to being in my arms. I found this quote and it really is helping to keep everything in perspective as the final weeks of this pregnancy wind down.

Despite the aches, pains, and lack of sleep, I really do love being pregnant. The first time around did seem much easier but I wouldn't change experiencing everything I have this second time. I feel like it is the first taste of how different each of our children will be and the unique needs each one will have of us as parents. I am thankful to be able to have healthy babies and hope I never seem to be anything but grateful for the gift of the two beautiful little people I have been given.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

33 Weeks

  Another week has passed and I must say it seems the 8th month is treating me better than the 7th! I am much more comfortable during the day, no more sciatica, even though sleeping is a challenge, despite being exhausted. I love the days I get to lay down and take an afternoon nap with Lucy.
  We had an appointment on Monday with the midwives and it seems both baby and I are healthy. My belly did measure a week or two behind "normal" but this is the same point that I measured small with Lucy. The best news of all was to hear that baby is head down! That little hiney we thought we were feeling is just that and it seems baby is laying with his back out on my right side and his legs curled around my left. Only four more weeks until we get to check in on baby with a final ultrasound.
   It seems baby is keeping up the acrobatics despite being between 4 1/2 and 5 pounds already. Now when he/she moves it no longer feels like a little bump or kick but like my entire insides are being rearranged. I don't remember feeling so aware that there was an entire baby in my belly with Lucy but I think the constant movement of this kid makes it more apparent. Baby has also been having hiccups a lot this past week which is a funny feeling since they are so close together. According to my baby book, baby's skin is no longer transparent thanks to all the fat being packed on, for both of us I think. Also, baby's eyes are open when he/ she is awake.
   I had the chance to have some photos taken this week by our friend Ashley. Normally I hate having my picture taken but I know how much I regretted not having any taken with Lucy so when Ashley offered I jumped on the chance.
   As for the room, demolition is still underway. More updates next week!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers' Day!

"Daddy's Hands"

I remember Daddy´s hands, folded silently in prayer.
And reaching out to hold me, when I had a nightmare.
You could read quite a story, in the callouses and lines.
Years of work and worry had left their mark behind.

I remember Daddy´s hands, how they held my Mama tight,
And patted my back, for something done right.
There are things that I´ve forgotten, that I loved about the man,
But I´ll always remember the love in Daddy´s hands.

Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´.
Daddy´s hands, were hard as steel when I´d done wrong.
Daddy´s hands, weren´t always gentle
But I´ve come to understand.
There was always love in Daddy´s hands.

I remember Daddy´s hands, working 'til they bled.
Sacrificed unselfishly, just to keep us all fed.
If I could do things over, I´d live my life again.
And never take for granted the love in Daddy´s hands.
-Holly Dunn

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

32 Weeks

8 Months! We passed the two months left mark this past week which means time is flying. Baby is supposedly between 3 and 4 pounds at this point but I am pretty sure were closer to 9 or 10. Not really, but it sure feels like this baby is B-I-G. Sleeping is a struggle between not being able to get comfortable and needing to go to the bathroom all the time. Luckily, I can catch short naps when Lucy decides she wants to take one.
  This past weekend we took the baby to its first concert at the Avalon in Easton. We saw Everest and the baby must have liked it because there was a lot of rocking and rolling going on in my belly. I was hoping it would make the baby sleepy that night but of course there was as much movement as ever.
  Jameson and I are still working on a middle name for baby girl and found another boy name we really like. Decisions, decisions. Maybe we'll just have to wait until this little one gets here to make a final decision. Or we could let Lucy decide but then I am sure we would end up with baby "duck."
   Jameson started working on the room that is going to be our bedroom this weekend. This way we can move downstairs and Lucy can be in her own room and the baby will be in ours. The next few weeks we plan on taking pictures in there so you can see both the bedroom and the belly progress. Hopefully more changes will be noticeable in the room than with me :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Letter to Lucille

Beautiful Lucille,
     I am having the most fun with you at the age you are now; 15 months in just one week. You are learning so many new things and never tire of exploring how things work and what things are called. Your new found love of books and reading makes mama so happy because it gives us quiet cuddle time without you realizing you are sitting still. I can see how intently you watch daddy and I when we teach you a new word or how to do something and we are amazed at how quickly you pick things up. Just this week you and Momma started singing "I'm a little teapot" and you already try to sing along and have made up your own little spinning dance, complete with a tip! Your joy in making other people smile and laugh is contagious and people cannot help but be happy when they watch you.
   You have started to love giving kisses and there is nothing better than the spontaneous times you grab our face and kiss us over and over. You wave goodbye to anyone and everyone we come across and blow kisses to the people you love most. We love hearing how you are starting to call people by name and know exactly who we are talking about.
    Nothing makes you happier than playing with your cousins and spending time with all of your family. They loves you so much and always ask to be able to watch you. If only Daddy and I weren't so selfish with our time with you. We love to take you everywhere we go since you are such a loving and adventurous little soul. We don't want to miss one little thing or waste anytime we could be with you.      
    I hope you never lose the confidence you have now. Seeing you take off on your own then reach up to hold my hand melts my heart every time you do it. I hope that you always look to Momma and Daddy to offer you the support and encouragement you need to do anything you set out to do. We love you so much and are eager to see what you learn and to teach you many more things as you grow.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Weird and Wonderful

I can't believe I am actually getting to this on Wednesday for the second week in a row!

  • just how many bumps, bruises, and bites one little girl can accumulate on her face
  • a man's inability to find things in the kitchen
  • my newfound ability to fall asleep at the smallest moment of quiet
  • some of the words they put in childrens' book... squaffles?

  • Lucy's new I'm a little teapot dance... need to videotape this
  • When the baby sticks its hiney out
  • Sleeping with the windows open
  • Cooking dinner with ingredients from our garden!
  • Being caught up on laundry- I'm not but it would be wonderful
  • When men wear workboots and shorts
  • Having a family that actually asks to watch Lucy
Well this must be a good week... more wonderful than weird! Happy rest of the week :)


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

31 weeks

Baby August and I hit the 31 week mark this week, oh how the time flies! I cannot believe it has already been more than three weeks since out last update. We have both done a lot of growing and are right on track with our measurements. However, I was shocked at my weigh in yesterday... nothing like jumping on the scale to kill that pregnancy "glow." I am all for eating healthy and indulging a little while you are pregnant so I am not sure how this time around the pounds really seem to be adding up faster than with Lucy. Oh well, a healthy baby is all that matters. I am still having braxton-hicks everyday and they seem to be getting stronger and stronger as we progress. We have gotten to the point where it is impossible to lay on my back, or really any side, and be comfortable. I definitely feel a baby in there instead of just feeling like I have a big belly. The movement has not slowed down at all but now it feels like actual little baby body parts. Lately it has been what feels like a little hiney sticking out just to the right of my belly button that gets Jameson and I both laughing as we watch the rolls and tumbles. The midwife yesterday said that I probably can feel how it is laying better than she can at this point until baby gets a little bigger. The highlight of the appointment was being reminded that we get another ultrasound at 36 weeks, only 5 weeks away!, to make sure that baby is head down and in position for delivery. Keeping my fingers crossed it will be face down too, unlike Lucy and all the other babies in my family. I have noticed lately that I have been consuming a ton of acidic foods, tomatoes, orange juice, pineapple, and still crave coffee but I do limit myself. Hopefully this means baby will be able to tolerate it in breast milk too. I have been talking more about the baby with Lucy even though I know she doesn't really understand. I'm guessing she will just start calling her belly "baby" but I still try and make sure to call it our baby.

So here we are... all 31 weeks of us :)