It seems lately there have been a lot of negative articles and comments discussing the prevalence of social media in our lives. I wholeheartedly agree that there is a time and place for it and that being on your phone or even having it accessible 100% of the time is not good for anyone. I try very hard to not be playing on my phone when the girls are awake or when Jameson and I finally get a quiet minute at the end of the day. I have seen first hand how rude and callous people can be and the hurt people can unknowingly inflict through a misspoken comment, status, or share. I too have seen the overshares, the airing of dirty laundry and the intentional digs.
I also see an immense amount of loveliness. I see beautiful babies and children every time I am on my phone. I see inspiring quotes and stories that sound all too familiar to mine. I try new recipes and restaurants, hear new music, catch up on news and see other people finding the beauty in their everyday.
By far the most lovely thing is connecting. I don't get out much. Being home with three little girls everyday leaves little time for chatting with other women and friends. Through social media, I have been able to interact with high school friends and other acquaintances that otherwise I never would. Sure some of it is purely entertainment but it's the private messages that get me. In a very closed off and private world, to have someone else to talk to about where you are in life is truly beautiful to me. To ask advice, to share stories, to know what's really going on with someone else. It connects me to them in my uninterrupted moments when I can be open and honest, and form complete sentences.
I have no illusions that we are doing things perfectly, or even correctly. What works for us will not work for another family. But I put it out there. Maybe some think I share too much, but that is not my intention. I offer transparency and hope to encourage people in what they are doing themselves. We are all learning and the honesty can be enlightening.
So today I am thankful, for Facebook and Instagram and Pinterest and Blogger. For having conversations with people I haven't in years. For the opportunity to document and share our families story. For the link to the outside world it provides to me in my sometimes very isolating calling. For being an open book and having others feel they can ask me anything. I am choosing to see the good.
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