Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Life Lately

L: obsessed with legos; only wants to wear summer clothes; steals my phone in the mornings to lay in bed and watch play-doh videos; unicorn lover; surprisingly artistic; swings herself; wants to be 5 not 4; probable future party planner as she is always concerned with seating for people; her mind is a steal trap

V: only wears dress up costumes; shakes her head to get curls out of her eyes; ice cream lover; screamer; daddy's girl; had markers banned; and now stickers too; twirls on one foot to the music; told me she just wants to go to the beach and eat pizza

H: bubble blower; heart warmer; learned to shriek; rocks forward and back when sitting on the floor; pooped on the potty; giving kisses; drinking from a straw; working on a first tooth

J: providing in so many ways; building his garage; juggling work, home, and himself; obsessed with the garden seedlings; job searching; weekend breakfast maker; possibly buying chickens; the one who can fix all to his daughters; the one I long for during long work weeks

M: rejuventated by spring; cut hair above shoulders; focused on creating home; afternoon tea lover; cooking more vegetarian meals by the day; researching homes and jobs in warmer climates; considering what the new legislation on midwifery care means for her future; memories documenter

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