Monday, March 12, 2012

Lucille's Birth Story

I should have done this in the days after Lucy was born. So much has been lost in the last year about that night. I still ask Jameson questions about what went on during those 6 hours in the hospital because I have learned time really does make you forget. It's probably how people can have more than one baby ;) I like to think that maybe one day Lucy will want to know about how she came into the world so, for her, I write it now.

 Momma had been on maternity leave for one week already and was spending a lot of time with our family and getting things ready at our house for your arrival. The day by day waiting was exciting and excruciating at the same time. The Saturday before, Daddy and I went shopping to pass some time and see if there were any last minute things we could pick up for you. We found the mirror that hangs in your nursery and while we were there I got very dizzy and lightheaded and started seeing stars. I told Daddy I needed to go sit down so we headed to the truck and after some water and a snack I felt much better. Monday morning I was vacuuming the house and started getting the same feeling again. Since I was home alone I called Aunt Allison who came over with Henry and at the direction of the doctor headed to the hospital to get checked out and have you monitored. Daddy met us there and after listening to your heartbeat for awhile we were allowed to leave. Little did we know that we would be back later that night.
  After we left, Daddy and I decided to try every old wives tale we have ever heard or read to try to get you to come out. When we got home we took Otis for a long walk then walked all the way into town and back. Then Daddy rubbed my feet while I massaged my thumbs, it was all worth a shot! Then we decided to try some spicy food so we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings in Annapolis. Something must have worked because while we were sitting there I started having bad back aches and stomach cramps. These felt a lot different than the practice contractions I had been having for weeks. After we left, we headed to Whole Foods to pick up a pineapple and walk some more. On the way home the contractions continued regularly as I tried other things I had read about. I'll leave the specifics out. When we got home we decided to really see if we could get things going so we took Otis for another long walk. During the walk I had to stop a few times because the pains were getting stronger. We got home and Daddy chopped up the pineapple while I got in the tub to relax. For some reason, I really didn't want to go to the hospital so I wouldn't tell Daddy every time I had a contraction since they were only about 5-7 minutes apart at this point but the pain was still manageable. We decided to try to go to sleep but after Daddy heard me breathing through contractions he told me we needed to go.
  We got to the hospital around 12:30am and after monitoring me for a few minutes and checking to see how dilated I was, they admitted us to stay. I did a lot of walking to make things go faster and as things got stronger and further along I spent a lot of time rocking side to side, moving you down. Aunt Allison showed up with a sock full of warm rice that felt like heaven on my back. We guessed you were face up since the pain was in my back and your two aunts and I and Jonah and Henry were all face up. I spent some time in the shower, still rocking back and forth, and tried to get in the bed to relax but things felt so much worse when I sat or laid down. I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom but as I got up my water broke and I knew I was in for the long haul. For me, the next few hours have been erased from memory but Daddy says there was a lot of walking, rocking back and forth, and spending time in the shower. I don't remember milestones like how far I was dilating or any other specifics. I remember being in the shower and feeling the need to push. Daddy told the nurse who said it was time to get in bed and get ready to meet our baby girl. Daddy and Aunt Allison were by my side encouraging me and I was ready to get this whole process over with. I only pushed for twenty minutes then remember looking down and seeing you for the first time. Dr. Moormon delivered you, face up!,  at 6:08 in the morning. They laid you on my chest and tears started pouring as I looked at your perfect little face and realized you were here and everything was ok. I got you to stop crying and you quickly found your hand and started sucking away. You were perfect in every way.
I am still trying to get Daddy to write about how he remembers that night. Maybe one day you can convince him. I feel so lucky that I was able to labor and deliver the way I had hoped for. I so often hear that things don't go as planned but Daddy and I could not have been happier with our experience and how you joined the world. You have been a joy from the beginning and from that night our world has never been so beautiful.

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