Thursday, March 22, 2012

20 Weeks... Already!

Wow this pregnancy is flying by! I can not believe I am halfway through pregnancy #2. I am so eager to meet our little person but am also wanting to slow things down to be able to enjoy every little (big) pregnant thing. I had so much more time with Lucy to think about being pregnant and notice every little change and milestone and this time that has not been the case.
  We had our anatomy ultrasound last week at our last appointment with Dr. Moormon. Everything checked out perfectly and it seems our little sugarbaby is right on track with growth and development. The baby's position made it very difficult to get a good luck at the face or much else but we were able to see the brain, lips, feet, and the heart beating beautifully. And we did NOT find out the gender. Not only because we want a surprise but the doctor said the position made it difficult to see anyway. The baby was in a breach position but that is nothing to worry about until much later in pregnancy.
   Yesterday I had my first appointment with Bay Area Midwives. I have decided to switch completely over for prenatal care since I am more confident in knowing who will be delivering the baby and having them see us for months before. I am really excited to have this new experience with midwives and a birth center even though I had an awesome experience the first time with a doctor and hospital.
   This baby is super active. Some days I feel like baby doesn't sleep at all and just likes to kick and flip around while it still has room. It used to take a good dose of sugar to get baby going but now it just seems like anything sets it off.
   My belly is also much different this time around. Not just is it bigger earlier but with Lucy it seemed so perfectly round and this baby has me all offset. Last weekend I think we felt a little hiney pushed out against my belly so I guess it likes to curl up on one side or the other. I can not seem to get enough to eat but am trying my best to feed baby as healthy as I can. Unfortunately, my sweet tooth is raging so I try to balance a little sugar with the fruits and veggies.
   After our ultrasound appointment we had some time to waste so we stopped by an adorable childrens boutique in Chestertown called Pride and Joy. They have unique clothes and gifts you don't find at Babies 'R' Us or Target which is a huge plus in my book. This visit did not fail and soon after we walked in we found the most perfect REVERSIBLE! coming home outfit we could have imagined! One way blue, flip it inside out pink. Look at those pockets :)

So go ahead... Pink or Blue?
Let us know your guess!

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