Basically I could just leave the photos above with no words and remember Vada Belle at ten months exactly... smiling, goofy, and ornery. Somehow in the last month she switched from my sweet baby girl who just wanted to be held and snuggle to this little terror who likes nothing better than getting into the dog's water bowl, chewing on the rugs, racing to the stairs, and pulling up in the bath tub. But always with a smile. Just in the last week she has started dancing, when she hears music, or just because she feels like it. I need to get it on video but she puts her arms by her side and twists side to side. She also initiates games of peek a boo by putting her hand over her face and saying something remotely resembling boo. She now has five teeth and her hair is really starting to get thick, with little curls at the back of her head. Her first word was duck (the same as Lucy's) followed closely by NO (taught by Lucy.) She has been eating a lot more food and is down to nursing three times a day and once at night. We have introduced almost everything except milk and shellfish and she seems to like anything we offer. Or anything her sister may happen to leave within reach... peanut butter and jelly, wasabi peas. We have transitioned to one nap a day so that she and Lucy can lay down at the same time but she will fall asleep in the car before we are out of the driveway. She demands to be in her crib around 8pm after being rocked to sleep by Daddy.
She truly is just a happy baby and rarely fusses when we go places. We are all having so much fun seeing her turn into a little girl and become a playmate with her sister.
We love you beautiful Vada Belle!
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