Thursday, June 6, 2013

Dear Lucille, You are starting to scare me...

Daddy and I swear we can see exactly what you are going to look like when you are older in these pictures... ugh. Everyone thinks their kid is cute. Well, we think you are dangerously beautiful and are starting to worry about our Friday and Saturday nights about 16 years from now. Yes, that's right. 2 + 16 = 18, and not a day before. People make it a point to talk to you and tell me how pretty you are all the time. One time a lady gave me the best compliment I ever heard about children... you are the kind of beautiful you only think your own kids are. Had me choked up for days. 
I tell you all the time that you are going to make some man very miserable one day. Because no matter how tempermental, impatient, impulsive, and psychotic at times you are, people just love you. You are the sweetest, most evil little lady to ever walk the world. One minute you are smiling and hugging someone only to pinch their skin the minute they are really reveling in your sweetness. You tell me go then in the next breath beg me to rock you. Never have I seen so much life in one little 2 year old woman. 
I am not telling you this to make you arrogant or stuck up. I am telling you because people notice you. They watch what you do. What an opportunity and awesome responsibility. Use what you have been given, not just physically, but all that tenacity, and do good. Be kind. Show people your love. And please, stop pinching.  

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