Friday, March 8, 2013

3/7/2013 On this day...

     On this day, Lucy crawled up the stairs to me with her coat in hand, dressed in her hat with shoes on the wrong feet. She told me she had picnic basket downstairs and that she was going outside with Otis. And she had cheese too. "Can you help me?" As I helped her with her coat, held her hand down the stairs and saw her grab her water cup and packed picnic basket, my heart went ahead and jumped right out of my chest and packed itself in that basket right in between the car keys and nail clippers; I guess you just never know. She walked to the door and told me to stay here with Vada Belle. As i closed the door behind her and her adventure with Otis, and without me, began, I heard her saying "Thank you Mama. Thank you Mama."
     I cried. I could not stop. This little lady who can dress herself and pack her own picnic and go on adventures outside without me, when did this happen? She used what I taught her; hat when it is cold, water cup when we go somewhere, always pack a snack, but she wanted to do it herself.
   As I watched her wander around outside through the windows of the house, I told myself to remember that moment. To know that one day, she won't just be going outside with Otis, she will be going on life adventures and telling me to stay here. I hope she  does exactly what she did on this day... use what I taught her, ask me to help when she needs it, and  have the confidence to do it on her own, with gratitude for me letting her.  And cheese isn't a bad idea either.

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