Lucille at 18 Months
- Favorite foods are grapes, cheese, and anything sweet/ icing, or whatever mama is eating
- Insists on having a bow in her hair and shoes every time she gets dressed
- Has a getting ready routine that includes deodorant and make-up
- Currently has 7 toes painted and a scratch on her nose
- Says "cmear" when she wants to be held
- Is an excellent mama to her baby doll
- Takes one nap which she screams about every day and sleeps through the night, which she never screams about
- Favorite things are cow, blanket, the Word Book, bugs, Pop Warhol's Top book
- Dances to any commercial with music or when a song comes on TV
- Knows how to use a certain four letter word when she drops something
- Pretended to be interested in potty training for a week, then had no interest, now is again
- Showers her baby sister with kisses when she is in the mood; and puts a pacifier in her mouth when she is not
- Lays on her belly in the tub so she can blow bubbles
- Is attending dance class
- Says "Daddy" 129843789324 times a day
- Favorite word is probably "EWWWWWWW"
- Likes to ride on Otis, take bike rides, go for walks, and anything outside
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