Hazel Magnolia is one month old. Already. There are pictures, thank God. But this is the first time I have taken? let myself? made myself? sit down and write about her.
She is peace. She is beautiful. She has fulfilled this family in a way I could only dream of. She has restored me in a very broken and damaged place. She smiles, no really, all the time. She loves my horrible voice and falling asleep on her daddy's chest. She lays on my chest as I type this and soothes my weary soul.
Hazel was born on Sunday, September 7 around 7:30pm. She weighed 6 pounds and 12 ounces and measured 19 inches tall. The slow, long, 10+ hour labor was nothing like I had anticipated it being. I thought she would come quickly. Did she prove me wrong. I went from contractions every 5ish minutes from 10am to noon to nothing considerable or regular until 6pm that night. I willed my way and she would not have it. James watched Top Gun on the couch at the birthing center while I walked laps and side squatted stairs to exhaustion. I remember telling the midwife at one point that I came to have a baby, not to exercise. I progressed slowly throughout the afternoon and was offered assistance in the way of breaking my water and homeopathic medication. I finally was getting uncomfortable around 6:30 and asked to get in the whirlpool tub. I finally relaxed and let go of trying to control the situation. That did the trick. One hour later, Hazel was born in the water and placed directly on my chest. I was able to cut her cord, a first for me. We stayed at the birth center until midnight then took our precious third daughter home.
Hazel slept the deepest sleep I have ever witnessed for the first two weeks of her life. It scared the shit out of me. I would have to undress her and stand under the fan to wake her enough to eat. James would play with her lips and she would just tuck them in and keep sleeping. I finally relaxed in the knowledge that she wasn't even due for 15 days from her birthday and if she was still inside then she would likely be doing the same thing. At her 2 week check up she weighed over 8 pounds so I knew she was at least growing.
Hazel still sleeps beautifully at night. We wake up twice to nurse. She usually has a few hours of wakefulness in the morning then passes out in the early afternoon for a long nap stretch, waking for a couple of hours before bed. When she is awake, as long as she is held, she is content.
Lucy and Vada are completely in love with her. They argue over holding her, remark at her tiny toes and fingers, and shower her with kisses all hours of the day. Lucy told me she missed Hazel when she was in my belly and sings "Here Comes the Sun" when she holds her. She calls herself "the big, big sister." Vada likes to tell me every time she starts to fuss and always says "I kiss the baby." She pronounces her name like Hasewl and it melts my heart. They have absolutely no concept of personal space, especially when she nurses.
We are far from in a groove but we are over the moon happy. The days are chaotic, messy, noisy, and beautiful and I will miss them when this season ends.
"There are moments that I know I will long for, even as I live them."
*Photos by dKin photography... thanks Ashley!
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