We are 7 weeks into being a family of 5. I am blessed beyond measure and completely overwhelmed. We have not found a "groove" and most days just getting the girls
Lately I have been feeling a lot of guilt for how things are going. I know all moms feel guilt for one reason or another and I so wish we could all just take a deep breath, pat ourselves on the back and keep at it. Some days the only thing that runs through my head is "just keep swimming." So that is what I do. Some days move us forward and others it is just to keep our head above water.
Things like Halloween only add to the mom guilt for me. Which is ridiculous. My kids have very little expectations of me and are thrilled to be dressing up in their store bought costumes and heading out to trick or treat for the first time in their lives. But I have pinterest. And facebook. And instagram. And so many of the other measures we use to judge where we fall in comparison. Back when Hazel was a newborn and slept 23.5 hours of the day I had planned to have a small party at our house after trick or treating. But I am not. And I feel guilty. For a party that was never even a real plan but an idea that I "should" have something. Hormones be damned.
I am definitely being taught some hard lessons as a new mom to 3, all under 4. I am learning the beauty in simplicity. I am being reminded I am so not in control. I am learning not to compare myself to anyone because everyone's situation is different. I have become a homebody with 2 kids who love it and 1 who asks every morning where are we going that day.
So, today, Halloween, I want to encourage all the moms. The ones who seem to have it all together, well done. I know how hard holidays are and I hope you feel a sense of accomplishment in getting your kids costumed, to a party, in making crafty snacks, in decorating your house or anything else you managed to pull off while doing the hardest job in the world. Take those pictures and show it off!To the moms who don't have anything together, I am with you. I managed one uncarved pumpkin, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich lunch, and three store bought costumes for Halloween. Take a picture and show it off! At the end of the day, we all will reach for the glass of wine, out of exhaustion for being a supermom or just relief it is over. The kids will have a ball regardless and after all, Christmas is only 55 days away ;)