Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Life Lately

Somehow I caught this moment this morning. It is basically the opposite of how life is lately. Lucy never sits still and although we read together several times a day, I can count on one hand the number of times I have seen her sit down and read long enough to grab a camera. Funny.

I feel like so much in the past couple of weeks "deserve" their own post. Whatever that means. I suppose since rather big milestones are being met over here I give them more blog attention in my head than I am able to keep up with. This will have to do, as well as the photo deficit. 

Vada started walking two weekends ago. 13 months old. She had shown absolutely no interest in it and would even sit down and pout whenever I tried to get her to practice. Then, Friday came and she stood up and walked across the family room. By Saturday afternoon she was walking the length of the driveway and dancing to the music we had on. What a woman. Her personality is shining through and we are starting to see just how ornery, rambuncious, and LOUD she can be. She stands up for herself during playtime, loves Otis unconditionally, and gives me a big, gapped tooth smile anytime she sees me watching her. Her vocabulary is expanding during the day and she has started repeating most words we say to her. Clear statements include; love you, night night, all done, more, mine, chocolate, stop that, what's that, no no no, Otis, shoes. She may not say it yet but she also hightails it to the kitchen anytime I say ice cream.

Lucille started dance classes last Monday. She had been telling anyone and everyone she saw that she was going to be a ballerina. First day of classes, pink leotard, hair in a bun, she marched right in and sat through the entire class. Maybe not actively participating in every aspect but there nonetheless and taking it all in. Yesterday was a nightmare. Enough said. We are going back next week.

I had a birthday yesterday. James and I were able to spend some time together Sunday to celebrate while the girls spent the day with their grandparents. We wasted almost the entire day doing nothing important and it was perfect. We went to Joss for dinner and stopped for a drink on the way home. Lucy had made me brownies and a card and wrapped a little present while I was gone. Guess she was planning ahead for her behavior on my actual birthday. James made up for it, though, by bringing me home champagne and cheesecake. All is well.

I was contacted by a woman who had taken my pilates class previously about starting teaching again. It was just the boost I needed to get back out there and now I am doing private pilates sessions as well as preparing to have my very own, once a week class. So far I have only had one teaching session but it has been a welcome return to something I love doing. I hope other people find the same sense of calm and contentment I find after a session.

I feel like our family is finally in a peaceful lull. Not every day is peaceful but I am finding that we are content where we are right now. I am loving having two toddlers that are finding more independence every day. While I love having a tiny baby to hold and nurse, having two children at the age to run and play is a welcome change I am realizing I truly enjoy. Ever since James and I got married, I feel like we have constantly been looking to what's next and, sometimes, failing to appreciate the season we were in. Maybe that's what the last year has taught me and I am looking forward to seeing what the next will bring.

1 comment:

  1. Shoot you sound like one busy momma, I guess we all are aren't we though? Adorable blog!
