Friday, July 12, 2013

Vada Belle at 11 Months

Whew... am I behind on this one! The past month has not been especially easy so maybe it's easier I gave myself a little respite from the storm. Vada and I started working on weaning; first down to three times a day then two. She was not a happy little girl. I really struggled with all of it since Lucy never seemed to mind when I would drop a feeding or eventually completely wean. This was a whole new ball game. I hated feeling like I wasn't giving her what she wanted but I knew we had to start somewhere to get her on her way to more independence around her first birthday. Eventually she got the idea that twice a day was the new normal and that Mama would still hold, cuddle and rock her to sleep. Then she decided to teach me a little lesson and got a mysterious fever with no other symptoms for four days. Of course I just wanted to make her feel better so nighttime feedings picked back up... awesome timing. I think we are in the clear now, though, so its about to be a screaming time in the Hunter house as she readjusts to no nursing and sleeping through the night. She is such a Mama's girl.

In happier times, Vada is a blast! She LOVES music and will dance to any thing we put on. She likes to make people laugh and is a total goofball most nights at dinner when we are all sitting down together. She has become very vocal and likes to repeat whatever James, Lucy and I say. Nothing beats her "I love you" though :) She now will answer yes and no with a head shake. Anything Lucy does is hilarious, especially when they bounce on the bed together. Just like her sister, she is stretching out and losing some of the baby rolls. Her diapers now fit her completely differently and she finally has a neck! These changes are always bittersweet as she starts to look more like a little girl and less like the chunky baby we know and love.

She is constantly pulling up on things but she seems to have no interest in practicing walking. I have only seen her stand unassisted twice. Then I put her in the rocking chair and suddenly she has the balance of a gymnast, see below. I am thinking she might just take off and do it one day when everyone leaves her alone about it. Sort of like how I had never seen her try to climb stairs and one day I walk out to see her halfway up the stairs with a giant smile on her face. Lucy is trying though. Every time I do try to work on walking with Vada, Lucy grabs her hand and says "Come on V."

Vada will eat anything and everything we put in front of her. We decided to go ahead and let her try all foods instead of holding off on things like peanut butter and shellfish. It's a huge relief knowing she can tolerate them and makes mealtime all the more fun since now all four of us are eating the same things. Honey is the one exception we are holding out on for another month. Not only does Vada look exactly like her Poppy, it turns out she loves ice cream as much as he does too. When I feed it to her she bounces up and down saying "mmmmmmmm!"

The next few weeks are going to be very transitional for Vada Belle and I as she nears her first birthday. Night sleeping is definitely going to be established so we can get her in her own room. Our now twice a day feedings are going to drop to one and eventually be over. I have already cried about how quickly she went from the newborn to almost one. James on the other hand, is developing a much closer relationship with V as she learns to separate from me. The past few weeks have been amazing to watch as she now really knows and cares when he gets home and is around on weekends. While it's hard as her mom, knowing she only falls asleep with James at bedtime is something I know he cherishes.

 With Lucy I was already 5 months pregnant at this point and probably pushing her to see what she would do next. With Vada, things are much different. While independent, she stays by my side. She is so much still a baby and I find myself much more relaxed about what she will do next. I haven't even opened the What to Expect book that I pored over every month with Lucy. She will do it, in her own time. And that is ok with me. Vada Belle you truly are a joy to your Mama.

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