Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Weird and Wonderful Wednesdays

In an effort to take time to really appreciate our life right now and all the little things that may soon be forgotten I have decided to start Wonderful Wednesdays! There are so many little things that Lucy does to make us laugh or smile everyday and I know these days will pass too quickly. It's also easy to complain about the not so fun parts of being pregnant when in reality I love being pregnant and truly missed it after I had Lucy.

On the other hand, there a lots of weird things that happen all the time that if you don't laugh about you might just cry :) Thus, Weird and Wonderful Wednesdays.

Please let me know what is weird or wonderful in your life this week!

  • Watching Lucy discover she has a belly button. She has been pointing to mine a lot lately and just this week started lifting her shirt up to point hers out.
  • Making a dinner without a recipe that actually turns out better than with a recipe- this week was Shrimp Stir-Fry.
  • Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Belly rubs from Jameson
  • Rainy days at home with nothing to do
  • Getting the entire house clean in one day
  • Lucy in a sundress
  • Every kick and roll, all day and night, from baby august
  • Otis' new all natural, safe for kids, flea and tick ointment that makes him smell like cloves
  • The Farmers' Market
  • Grown men who think they can talk to you like crap at the auction
  • Some of the JellyBelly flavors... yuck
  • Just about everything to do with being pregnant
  • The old lady who looked at Lucy and said "Well look at that" and kept walking
  • The very strange, orange "mushrooms" that grow in the flower beds

To end on a positive note...


  1. HA! Great post, great idea. From the Jenkins house: WEIRD: * Nanny who finally revealed that her wig fell off in front of Matthew ... 5 WEEKS AGO! * Breastfeeding one child while potty training the other (I mean, literally pulling down underwear with one hand while she is latched on). * Son's new habit of calling out to Daddy from bed for his goodnight hug using: "Greg!" WONDERFUL: * A boy who is (still) totally excited & eager about potty training. * Hanging w/awesome Moms & MY awesome Mom in St. Mike's this past weekend! Still on a high from it.
