Thursday, April 26, 2012

25 Weeks

Not much to report this week. More kicking, rolling, punching, somersaults and general gymnastics going on in there. I finally think that my belly has slowed down growing to the point where I am about the same size I was with Lucy at this point. I suddenly have heartburn for the first time in my life which I could have done without. A couple of noteworthy things did happen this week though... 1) I was able to drink hot chocolate without having to pay a horrible price in stomach pains. 2) Rosie Pope maternity was on this week and I scored the floral maxi dress I included in the maternity fashion blog for about half price! 3) Despite all the strange things that pregnancy does to a body, for some reason I now only have to shave about twice a week, weird but I'll take it! I also was really excited to hear that two of my friends from mom's club are expecting too! It makes the long, hot summer (drink-less) not seem so lonely!

Lucy has become obsessed with belly buttons so she likes to compare. This time she also gave the baby a kiss :)

And the obligatory belly shot

Coming up next week... 3rd Trimester!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Weird and Wonderful Wednesdays

In an effort to take time to really appreciate our life right now and all the little things that may soon be forgotten I have decided to start Wonderful Wednesdays! There are so many little things that Lucy does to make us laugh or smile everyday and I know these days will pass too quickly. It's also easy to complain about the not so fun parts of being pregnant when in reality I love being pregnant and truly missed it after I had Lucy.

On the other hand, there a lots of weird things that happen all the time that if you don't laugh about you might just cry :) Thus, Weird and Wonderful Wednesdays.

Please let me know what is weird or wonderful in your life this week!

  • Watching Lucy discover she has a belly button. She has been pointing to mine a lot lately and just this week started lifting her shirt up to point hers out.
  • Making a dinner without a recipe that actually turns out better than with a recipe- this week was Shrimp Stir-Fry.
  • Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Belly rubs from Jameson
  • Rainy days at home with nothing to do
  • Getting the entire house clean in one day
  • Lucy in a sundress
  • Every kick and roll, all day and night, from baby august
  • Otis' new all natural, safe for kids, flea and tick ointment that makes him smell like cloves
  • The Farmers' Market
  • Grown men who think they can talk to you like crap at the auction
  • Some of the JellyBelly flavors... yuck
  • Just about everything to do with being pregnant
  • The old lady who looked at Lucy and said "Well look at that" and kept walking
  • The very strange, orange "mushrooms" that grow in the flower beds

To end on a positive note...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lucy's Day with Daddy

This past weekend I ventured out alone for a luncheon which left Lucy and Jameson with a much needed daddy daughter day. I love that Jameson is willing to take her and do things just the two of them and I know she loves having the one on one time with just him. They went to Tuckahoe for a hike in the woods which they both really enjoy being outside and luckily Lucy loves being in the Kelty. Not to mention the french fries and milkshake lunch she had before they went :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Hunter Home on Etsy

 I have some exciting news to share... we opened an Etsy shop! I have been a longtime fan of the site and have ordered everything from home decor to baby booties but yesterday I made the leap to become not just a buyer but a seller as well. And today, A SALE!
 I had been trying to come up with some ideas of how to generate some income while still being able to stay home with Lu and baby august. I love shopping consignment/ second hand shops and have been able to find some great deals without even trying. After buying an antique quilt on a whim, I had the idea of trying to resell what I find. I like to think I have a decent eye for design and home decor so I just started buying things I would love in our home.
  So far I have only posted two things to sell since I don't want to invest a bunch of money with no promise of return. But with this first sale I had a 200% profit and have to say it feels pretty good. The plan is to use that money to find something else and just keep growing. If you want to check it out click here. I still have a lot of work to do on presentation and creating an inventory but hopefully this is the start of something good.
  I also have to mention how supportive my husband is of my idea. From the first time I mentioned it he encouraged me to give it a shot and see where it goes. It is so empowering to have someone believe in what you want to do and help you achieve it. Thank you babe.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

24+ Weeks

Wow, six months already! Time has flown by and I cannot believe I am now staring the third trimester in the face. We had another midwife appointment Tuesday and everything checked out well. I had to keep a food journal for three days and was asked to keep my homemade ice cream indulgences to moderation. Right, I'll work on that for you. This baby definitely does like food and I feel like I am eating all the time but trying to keep it healthy. Smoothies have become an almost everyday snack. The chiropractor helped a ton and I haven't been in over a week now with only one day of pain since. I am starting to feel more like I did early in the trimester and that has been a welcome change, for the whole family.
   Baby still moves a lot, mostly at night but also anytime I sit down or am in the car. I have made the mistake of looking for baby clothes a couple of times and I have to confess I am being drawn to the blue side. It could be because our entire family thinks we are having a boy and Jameson always call the baby "he." I had really strong feelings of girl early on but over the past few weeks I just don't know. I now keep picturing a baby boy coming home with us in August.
   I do know I have been thinking a lot about this baby and how excited I am to have a newborn in the house again. I can't wait to finally be able to meet this little person and introduce them to their big sister. In the beginning I felt like I never had time to focus on this baby but the constant rolling and kicking remind me of just how lucky our family is and how close we are to having "him" in our arms.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lucille Lately

Lucy's working on getting over a double ear infection while teething and dealing with allergies. Surprisingly she still manages to be as adorable and lovable as always... my heart.

In other news, she is WALKING! Spent two days trying and falling a lot but that was three weeks ago and now she is a woman on the move. Here comes trouble :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and the UGLY... maternity fashion

   Having now been in maternity clothes both for a winter season and a summer season I feel like I have gained some insight and experience in the maternity fashion world. Let me just say, it ain't pretty. With Lucy, I only had to wear maternity clothes from November to March. With this baby, it was pretty much immediate. I did my best to adapt "normal" clothes to work with both pregnancies but occasionally there are instances where you have to invest in some maternity clothes. Let me just say, I normally don't think that you need to spend a ton of money to look great. Maternity is the exception. Sorry, I am having a baby, not trying to look like one. I don't wear mickey mouse and giant butterflies in my everyday life so when my ass is twice the size as normal I really have no desire to make myself look more ridiculous. So, I have accumulated some examples of what money buys you in maternity. See for yourself...                             

And now things I would actually wear, but don't for obvious reasons ($$$$$$$$$)...

   Luckily, this pregnancy it is summer and maxi dresses are everywhere so that's what you will catch me in. Sorry Disney, I'll find other ways to "Embrace my Bump!"
P.S. I purposely left out the slogan tee shirts. Don't get me started.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I hope everyone had a lovely Easter. We enjoyed spending time with our families and watching Lucy hunt for eggs! We are still getting over the sugar highs...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

22ish Weeks

 Well, I am definitely pregnant. I am feeling this baby every minute of every day in one way or another. The baby kicks and rolls ALL THE TIME. Supposedly, at this age, babies sleep for 12-14 hours a day but I think I have the exception. Not that I mind. The nudges from baby are a welcome assurance that everything is going well and I can't help but smile every time I feel one. I especially love the days I can feel baby's hiney sticking out on my left side :) I think it's comfy in there.
   Some of the more unwelcome reminders are hitting me much earlier than with my first pregnancy. One, I am HUGE. Well, at least I feel huge. My maternity jeans are getting pretty uncomfortable and I think the baby is letting me know it needs more room because by the end of the day, it is kicking away until I get some pajama pants on. Two, my lower back is killing me and I think I am dealing with sciatica, where the baby lays on my sciatic nerve sending shooting pain through my lower back and butt cheek. Yea, fun. I was having it every day but didn't really pay it much mind because I really don't want to be one of those whiny, complaining pregnant women but then I almost couldn't walk after I got off the treadmill one day. Luckily, our insurance covers chiropractors so I went to my first appointment Wednesday and felt instant relief, for the rest of the day. Yesterday I was right back where I started so I will be keeping my appointment for this coming Monday. The chiropractor I saw is pregnant also so she really understood what I was dealing with and did an awesome job of getting me back in line. Not to mention laying on a massaging table for 15 minutes by my self, in a quiet, dark room is therapy enough for a mom of a one year old. She said it may take a couple of sessions a week for a week or two to really make a difference so I'll let you know how it goes. I also started having braxton- hicks contractions last weekend which brought back some awesome memories. I keep forgetting I actually have to deliver this baby.... ugh.
  The silver lining in my big belly is that this week Jameson and I started one of our favorite pregnancy routines, belly rubs. I love the Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Balm and used it with my Lucy pregnancy too. I didn't get any stretch marks with her and have avoided them so far this time too. Not only does it feel good to have my belly rubbed and not get stretch marks but I really love the time he and I get to have together talking and just focusing on this baby, which doesn't happen often the second time around.
   I am loving the warm weather and being able to wear dresses and flip flops. It is so much more comfortable than having to deal with maternity jeans that don't fit and give me mom ass and I feel more dressed.
  I ordered the much anticipated double stroller this week and CAN NOT WAIT to get my hands on this puppy. It doesn't take much to excite me these days. I can use it as soon as it gets here as a single for Lu then can add the second seat when baby gets here. Check this thing out Bad Ass Double Stroller
  So, below are a few of my favorite things I am loving this week. No picture since Jameson my photographer is working lots of overtime this week.