Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lucy's 11 Months

For some reason I really had a hard time with Lucy turning 11 months. Maybe because her first birthday is quickly approaching and she is becoming less and less baby like by the day. I am excited to see her grow and change which I guess means her baby days are quickly disappearing.

Lucy's chattering is at an all time high and she has a couple of new words she has added as well as a greater understanding of the words and requests we say to her. She has started saying hello and holding phones to her ear and even said hello to her cousin when he came in one morning. She definitely understands "da da" when I am talking about Jameson and uses this phrase often when he's home. Tonight she was watching herself in the glass on the door and said "Bye Bye." She also understands when we tell her to find the duck or her favorite doll Mary. Jameson says he can't wait for her to talk and I am sure she will have plenty to say once she does.

Lucy loves food. Any food at all. We haven't found anything yet that she doesn't like. Brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, rice and her new favorite tofu. She also has started having some cereal for snacks and quickly learned to pick the marshmallows out of her marshmallow oaties. She loves sharing her food with Jameson and I and likes to offer us whatever she is eating. I am pretty sure she is most concerned with feeding Otis, however, because there isn't much he doesn't get.

Lucy shows more and more affection all the time. She will give hugs and kisses when you ask her and especially loves giving Jameson kisses when she wakes up on the mornings he is home. He has started giving her back rubs and she actually sits still for them for a few minutes. She has also started sitting on the couch with me and watching TV when she is sleepy. At church, she reached for the older lady sitting next to us and let her hold her two separate times for about ten minutes. She loves to hug Hunter and will hold his hand when he is in his seat or rock him to keep him happy. She is going to be a great big sister :)

Lucy has still been cruising around the coffee table and chairs and has been practicing walking with her new push toy. She sometimes holds onto it with one hand while she pushes and pulls the toy. When she isn't paying attention she will let go to whatever she is holding onto and stand without support but as soon as she realizes she drops to the floor. She loves to explore the house, shuffling her way into her bedroom for toys or to the bathroom for her soap. She oddly enough started crawling some too but mostly only on the carpet. She also has become quite skilled at the stairs and had her first fall when she tried to follow me up one day.

We have had really nice weather some days over the last month and we have loved being able to take her outside to play. Her favorite thing to do is the swing but she also likes scooching herself off the edge of the slide and going down that too. Jameson and I took her and Otis to Tuckahoe one day for some play time and a walk in the woods and she loved every minute.

She also loves playing on the playground with her cousins and running down the driveway in her walker.

I am really enjoying seeing Lucy learn so many new things and discover what she can do. She definitely knows exactly what she wants and is pretty clear at communicating it. Luckily she is still a momma's girl when it comes time for bed so I get to hold on to the last bits of baby Lucy every night when we rock. Happy Eleven Months Sweet Girl!

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