Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rock On

 Staying home with Lucy all day I have a lot of fun moments with her. But over the past week, one moment in particular has become my most favorite of all. The five minutes I rock her before I put her in her crib for the night fill my heart. I rock her to sleep for naps during the day but this particular rock is more peaceful than the others. She is fresh off a nurse and some books with daddy and watching her start to drift off while she lays on my chest make me feel like I am doing something right.

 I am sure people will say I shouldn't rock her to sleep or she will get used to it and need it to fall asleep. Maybe she will. But I feel like that's my job. I am home during the day to rock her to sleep. I love taking a few minutes out of my day to completely focus on her and just snuggle. At night I don't rock her completely to sleep so she does get used to comforting herself. But one day she won't want me to rock her to sleep at all, and I'm afraid that time will come before I am ready. So for now, we rock.

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