Friday, December 16, 2011

Lucilles's 9 Months!

Wow! That went fast! I feel like I just finished writing about her being eight months and here I am back at it again. We have had so much fun over the last month! Lucy celebrated her first Thanksgiving at my parents on Thursday and Jameson's parents on Friday. It was so nice being able to relax at each house without having to hurry off to the next dinner. My family kicked off the Christmas season with our tradition of watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation and a forced game of Outburst by Allison. At the other dinner, Lucy was able to play with her youngest cousin and we were able to get a few pictures before she attacked him.

That same weekend, Lucy went to look for her first Christmas tree. Jameson and I always go out to look and cut one down ourselves, and by ourselves I mean Jameson, so it was so much fun being able to take Lucy out for the first time. Luckily the weather was beautiful and we found the perfect (HUGE) tree!

Another Christmas tradition is the Centreville Christmas Parade! We all bundled up and made the walk into town to our spot. Lucy LOVED the firetruck sirens and lights and danced along when the marching bands came through.

Lucy has gotten another tooth over this month, her top right! The left one is days away from breaking through and has really been causing her some pain. The past few days she has been happy just to lay on my chest and be rocked. I feel so badly she doesn't feel well but am loving the snuggle time were getting in. Can you see them shining???

Her sleep has also been WAY OFF which I'm attributing to teething. Her naps are usually no longer than a half an hour and at night she has been getting up anywhere from three to five times. Oh, but when she does sleep there is no sight more beautiful

Like I mentioned last month, Lucy has no interest in crawling. She has perfected the side to side leg kicks while she sits on her bottom to get across the floor. Jameson just thinks she doesn't want to get her hands dirty crawling so she found another method. She also has started pulling herself up on the table or her toy box in no time so I think very soon she will be walking!

Thankfully we have had a few warm days over the past month so we have been able to spend some time outside which Lucy loves. She falls asleep in no time when she is in the stroller and looks pretty adorable if I do say so.

We continue introducing new foods and have moved to a three meal a day routine. Her favorite foods right now are peaches, oatmeal with agave, and vanilla yogurt. She also has no problem chowing down on greenbeans, carrots, summer squash, butternut squash and pumpkin. Hopefully she will like the beans and legumes well start introducing now that shes a little older.

Having Lucy with us as we prepare for Christmas is a dream come true. I remember being pregnant with her last year and looking forward to all the traditions we could start and share with her. I cant wait to see her on Christmas morning playing with all her new... wrapping paper and boxes! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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