Thursday, October 13, 2011

Making it Work

    Let me preface by saying I know how extremely lucky our family is that I get to stay home with Lucy. Taking the leap of faith to move to one income when your family is expanding is SCARY! Somehow when we had two incomes we still managed to have very tight months. Looking back now I wonder where in the world did that other half of our money go? Now almost all months are very tight but it's funny how things seem to just work out when you are convinced you are doing the right thing for your family.
    Hopefully one day we won't have this obstacle but for now it's our life and we are figuring out how to make it work. Sometimes it's funny to see how we have been able to stretch our money. To look back and see that we have now made it 4 months on just Jameson's paycheck feels like a huge accomplishment. Sometimes, though, it feels more like a struggle. I am a huge worrier. I like to think I have gotten better being with Jameson but sometimes it likes to rear its ugly head and I'm left in tears wondering how in the world are we going to pay all of our bills. These are the times I look at Lucy and know everything is going to be ok. Nothing can take away the past 7 months I have been home with her. No amount of money would make me want to leave her with someone else everyday.
    Since I was a little girl it has been my dream to be a mama. So now I can honestly say, I AM LIVING MY DREAM. As with any dream, there are sacrifices and a shifting of priorities. Jameson and I have lost time together. He is being such a strong leader for this family by working overtime every week and picking up odd jobs from family and friends. He cuts lawns, builds cornhole boards, paints, shovels snow at business parks in the winter, and is pretty much willing to do anything and everything to keep me home. So, although I am not contributing financially, I have figured out ways to MAKE IT WORK!

We cloth diaper! I have written about it in the past here but this saves us soooo much money.
And I love the puffy little hiney it gives Lucy ;)
We breastfeed! We have started introducing fruits and vegetables but I
 make them all out of the food Jameson and I eat anyway. I can only imagine
 how much we have saved over using formula.

Lucy is a consignment shop baby. I would say 90% of her clothes are either hand me downs
or consignment shop finds. Babies in Bloom is right up the street so we stop in frequently.
Yesterday, we went to Return to OzHoneysuckle, and Bellies, Babies and Beyond and ended up with seven dresses, two pair of pants, two sweaters, three tops, and two sleepers. How much did we spend? $82! Yes, $82 is alot of money but her fall wardrobe is now complete. Four of the things
had original tags, two are our favorite Janie and Jack brand, and one was something
 I almost bought at full price at the outlets last week but got for $4, with the tags still attached.

  We stock up during sales and freeze. It is really important both to Jameson and I
 that we eat organically grown meat. Yes, it's more expensive but neither of us has
 been to the doctor with a sickness in the 2 years since we have started. It's a priority
we are willing to shift things around to accomplish. 

We shop at the Amish Market. Have you ever been? Not only is it CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP,
its fun to go too. Cheese is at least 30% cheaper than at the store and the spices are even more than
that. Dry goods are a huge bargain and the candy shop has more variety than any store I
have every visited around here. Mini Reeses Pieces Cookies anyone?

Obviously there are many other steps we take to save money. Jameson cuts his hair at home. We have basic cable, no Tivo or DVR for us! We only go out to eat, or drink, for special occasions (happy hour half price appetizers, thank you). We only have one new car. One night's dinner is the next day's packed lunch.

   I so often hear, "I wish I could stay home with my kids." We are lucky. We are also making sacrifices. We are learning, every day, and making it work.

1 comment:

  1. Go you!!! It's so nice to know that there are other SAHM's out there like that who just do really make it work :) So proud!
