You continue to amaze and astound me each and every day. From the moment you wake up you constantly teach me new things, not only about you but also myself. The past twelve weeks have passed too quickly for my liking but I look forward to watching you as you grow.
One of the sweetest milestones you reached was at 4 weeks when you began smiling. I still find it incredible that at such a young age, when there is still so much that they cannot communicate or control, babies are able to communicate happiness and contentment. I knew these smiles were your doing when I saw how your smile came through in your eyes. Your beautiful, blue eyes would get even brighter, making it hard not to notice and impossible not to stare. You smile when mommy and daddy talk to you, you smile at yourself in mirrors, you smile when people sing to you, and my personal favorite is when you smile while nursing. Everyday I look for new ways to see that all encompassing smile that melts my heart, and I promise to never take it for granted.
Also at four weeks you took your first nap in a crib! Since you sleep with mommy and daddy at night, and mommy had trouble putting you down during the day, it was quite an accomplishment for both of us. You typically took naps in mommy's arms or in your swing but on this day you stayed asleep as I lay you in the crib and didn't stir for three hours! It is something we haven't yet been able to replicate as you now are a much lighter sleeper and like to put your hand on mommy's chest as you fall asleep so you know if I try to put you down.
By five weeks you were surprising everyone with how well you were holding your head up. You had been practicing lifting up when we held you but at this point you were holding your head on your own for quite a long time, although we still had our hand right behind you. By nine weeks you had it down and started being carried upright. I think it has something to do with that independent streak we see come out sometimes ;)
Blowing bubbles started around nine weeks and now, at 12, it's one of your favorite games. Sometimes you start the game by blowing bubbles and love when mommy or daddy does it back. Of course we like to show you off so if mommy or daddy starts that's fine with you too and you quickly join in. This is also one of the times we get to see that beautiful smile.
At 12 weeks you are starting to roll from your back to your side and getting quite good at getting your thumb in your mouth, though you don't seem to like it once it's there. You pitch yourself forward when we sit you up on the couch and like to stand up on our laps. You are starting to put everything you can grab into your mouth, mostly fingers when we hold your hands. You also have JUST started liking a pacifier but only in the car when you are very sleepy. We already know that you are going to be very active with how much you like whoever is holding you to stand, walk, dance... basically anything but sit still, as well as how much you are moving and kicking those arms and legs. We also have learned just how independent you may become with your preference to be alone in your bouncy seat sometimes and the way you demand to now face out when we put you in the wrap or baby b'jorn. I am certain you will continue to let us know what you do and don't like! Much to mommy's delight you have started wearing headbands with bows and don't seem to mind them at all. Maybe it was all those lessons of beauty before pain I taught you while you were in my belly and mommy was wearing heels!
Needless to say your mommy and daddy are very proud of you and all you have accomplished in your first 12 weeks. Dr. Freddy said it best at your 2 month appointment, "Little girl, you are growing up too fast." When we look back at pictures of our sweet, newborn baby girl we realize just how fast you are becoming our little girl instead of our baby. We are seeing your personality begin to shine and while it is bittersweet to lose our little baby, we are excited to see what you have in store for us coming up. Thank you baby girl for the most incredible 12 weeks that we have seen as a family yet. Your mommy and daddy will continue to support, encourage, and love you through all of life's milestones.
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