While I have written to you about your changes, growth, and accomplishments over the last 12 weeks, I feel it is equally important for you to know how you have made your mommy change, grow, and accomplish. My life instantly changed the moment I found out about you so you will never know the person I was before you. In some ways I think it is better that way. The lessons you have taught me through your own life have shaped me into the woman I have always wanted to be and I continue to develop that person as your needs of me grow and change. I find it incredible that the same qualities you are developing in me are the ones I hope to instill in you. While I have always wanted to be your mommy since I was a little girl, having you here with me now is more fulfilling than I could ever have imagined. It seems I have spent my life working towards you but I now realize my work is just beginning.
Patience- I had never been one to enjoy the waiting period for anything. I graduated college in three years because I figured if I could handle the course load, why wait and waste time. Before college was over I had a full time job with polo. I also had the man I knew I wanted to marry and have children with and made this known to him frequently. Sure enough, four months after graduating daddy and I were engaged. Also at this point we put an offer in on our first home. We worked on our house throughout our engagement and ten months later we were married. Having always wanted a big family, I knew that it wouldn't be long until we started on ours. Little did we know how not long it would be when nine months into marriage we found out we were expecting you! What most people spend their entire twenties working on, I managed to do it in about 3 years. My lack of patience started to change during my pregnancy with you. I loved knowing you were in my belly, growing both your own body and mine. As anxious as we were to meet you, I loved every minute of having you with me and was in no rush to lose that bond with you. The moment you were born, I wanted to freeze life and stay in that moment with you on my chest and daddy by my side.
But how quickly things changed and I find myself clinging to everyday, wanting time to slow down, no longer rushing towards what's next. I hope you find this same patience early in your life. I will always encourage you to work towards the future while also showing you the joy of being a child, a teenager, a newlywed, and one day a mom.
Peace- Along the same lines as my lack of patience was my inability to sit still. Much to daddy's dismay, mommy was never one to take naps and rarely could I relax. Not until I was newly pregnant with you did I understand the allure of a midday nap. Come second semester and that allure completely disappeared while we worked to prepare for your arrival. Daddy says that's what you don't like to sit still, because mommy never did when I was pregnant with you. Since your birth, however, I have sat in one spot for hours on several occasions, watching you sleep, nurse, learn my face. These moments when I see the peace in you, I am able to replicate it in myself. Suddenly not having everything crossed off my to do list at the end of the day usually means not that nothing was accomplished, but that you and I had an exceptionally peaceful day.
Strength- Never did I realize the strength of my own body or spirit as when I delivered you. I am not one to handle pain very well, as your daddy and grandmother would be the first to tell you. I had not wanted to use any sort of pain medication during labor and delivery but always questioned whether I would be able to handle the pain but I also didn't want the effects of the drugs getting to you. When the moment came, however, the strength of my desire to protect you overruled the pain and I was able to deliver you without medicine. You taught me the strength behind my convictions for you and the physical strength I possess to do the same for your brothers and sisters one day.
Judgement- Just as many people as there are in the world are opinions on how to raise your child. While I have very strong opinions on the matter, I have learned not to judge others as they could judge mine. Daddy and I are doing the best we know how to raise you to be healthy, content, confident, and respectful but know that our ways do not work for everyone and that in the future, we may see what we should have done differently. Thank you for showing me to listen to other's opinions and accept suggestions from people who raise their children both similarly and differently than we are raising you.
Thankfulness- You are the greatest gift I have ever been given and from the day I found out about you I thanked God. While of course I am thankful for the big things, that you are healthy, beautiful, and developing on track, I am also thankful for the little things that each day brings. I am thankful that I was able to stop working and stay home with you. I am thankful I am able to nurse you. I am thankful when you take a nap ;) I am thankful for the times Daddy and I have together with you and being the first ones to see each new trick you learn. I am thankful you know our faces and that we are able to provide you with what you need. Mostly, I am thankful you were given to me and I will never take for granted the miracle you are and the gift of motherhood. You have also taught me to be thankful for my own parents as I now realize what they went through in raising me and your aunts and uncle.
Selflessness- Putting someone before myself never came as easily as when I was pregnant with you. No longer were my actions only my own but they now had a direct impact on you. I was happy to stop drinking wine, watch what I eat and lose any sort of figure I had because I knew it was all for you. Even now, as I lose sleep and gain curves I know it is for you and for that I do not complain. Labor and then nursing you may have been the biggest lesson in ignoring my own pain and doing what I knew was best for you. I am sure the sacrifices will continue and become harder to accept, but for now I gladly put myself second to your needs.
I hope you realize the impact you have already had on my life and that you are my greatest accomplishment. I look forward to watching us both grow and change as you become the person you are meant to be. I love you Lucille.