Thursday, July 30, 2015

To Vada Belle on your 3rd Birthday


My beautiful, wild Vada. I found a quote once that sums up being your mother perfectly; 
"She is delightfully chaotic; a beautiful mess. Loving her is a splendid adventure." 
-Steve Maraboli-

Daddy and I watched you one day trying to sit on the couch and watch a movie with your sister. You could not, not move for longer than 3 seconds. Your energy is limitless, only matched by the love that pours from you. You are a wonderful sister, easily manipulated by your older sister but happy to do whatever she asks. You are sweet and sensitive to your baby sister. You give her kisses and hugs to the point of suffocation and are at her side whenever she cries. You love your daddy most of all right now. I snuggled into you this morning and whispered I love you and you replied by saying "I love daddy. When will he be home?" Every night at bedtime you two snuggle together after books. But I know you love me. The way you still ask to be held. When you snuggle up to me on the couch. When you offer treats to me without me having to ask. The way you will do gladly do any chore that I am if it means we are working on something together. 

The fire inside you is consuming. You are either all love or pure hell. You scream at the drop of a hat when things don't go your way. Head thrown back, mouth wide open with all your little teeth showing, and the lungs of an opera singer. The comfort is knowing that no one will push you to do anything you don't want. You will not be defeated. And your voice will be heard.

You love your baby dolls and never go to sleep without at least three in your bed and one tucked into the doll bed beside you. 

Our Vada...

  • sounds like champ from anchorman when she says chicken
  • could already be offered a contract with SNL on your facial expressions alone
  • tells me she just needs to go to the beach and eat pizza
  • refuses to wear anything but a dress 
  • asks for breakfast as soon as her eyes open in the morning
  • sings "let it go" over and over and over and over and over in the car; not the song, just that one line
  • favorite color is purple; TV show is Sophia; animal is butterfly
  • swims only by moving her legs, no arms required. Your swim teacher just threw goggles on you and taught you how to swim underwater.
  • asks me if I could have another hazel baby in my belly
  • is afraid of heights but in the last three weeks tells me "see I am not afraid anymore!"
  • has an extraordinary vocabulary and has been asking to go to school for over a year
  • shakes her head side to side when she runs, presumably feeling the full bounce of her curls
  • was told she is pure muscle by the pediatrician

You asked for a mermaid party for your birthday but totally blanked out whenever people asked you what you wanted for presents. Nana finally thought to ask you if you want something or something to do and of course you wanted something to do. You always want to go and ask me every morning where we get to go today. You have actually cried in the car when I tell you we are heading home, several times.

I cannot wait to see what this next year has in store for you my love. I know that you will blossom at school. I am eager to see the friends you make, the things that interest you, how you learn to harness all that energy and fire. You are my adventure and being your mom makes me realize I have no idea what I am doing with this motherhood thing, but I know you will love me anyway. Thank you Vada, for pushing your daddy and I to our limits and showing us just how much we can squeeze out of every day. Happy 3rd Birthday Vada Belle.