Little Miss Hunter, our third beautiful baby girl. Thanks for being so cooperative during the ultrasound. You must have really wanted to let us know who you were. You checked out perfectly and surprised no one with being a little lady. Hopefully, your low heart rate and general lack of movement mean you are taking a little more after your mama and daddy than your two older sisters. A relaxed, laid back baby would be a welcome change, sweets. So, we had a little party on your behalf with your grandparents and some of your cousins and aunt and uncle. When I really think about it, it is kind of weird to have a party about someone's lady parts. First and last my dear. I am having fun looking for some clothes for you that are not obnoxiously girly. I have about had my fill of neon pink baby clothes. We bought you a few things over the weekend and I am getting excited to see you in them. My favorite purchase, as with your sisters, was your baby blanket. I put a lot of thought into those, for some reason, so I hope you like it as much as Daddy and I do. You really are pretty easy on Mama for the most part these days. I have had to stop worrying about how little you move in there and just enjoy only being punched and climbed on from the outside for now. The midwives let me know I have an anterior placenta so that is acting like a cushion between you and my belly. You went almost two weeks only moving a handful of times that I could feel but I am trusting you are growing well. I know one thing, you are making me TIRED. Good gracious, I think you would be happy if all I did was sleep. I am sleeping plenty at night but I am dragging through every day lately. Daddy says I look out of it 90% of the time lately. The only other thing I can contribute to you is my need for spicy food, which cannot be satisfied. I don't know what to give you to turn this off but I am not even phased lately by the spiciest of foods Daddy and I can come up with. You also are demanding I eat vegetables but not much else. Bowls full of broccoli? Really? This is definitely the first time in my life I have to remember to eat enough. Your sisters are becoming more and more interested in you as my belly grows, Lucy especially. She talks to you and about you everyday and is eagerly awaiting the day you give her a good kick. Mama is feeling an immense amount of responsibility as the reality of having three little women is settling in. Trying to be the best example of what a woman, wife and mother should be is a daily challenge to me as I know you all will be watching me to learn both what to do and what not to do. From the clothes I wear to the words I choose I am constantly on observation by three of the most important people in my life. I know I am shaping you into who you will be even as you are growing in my belly and I both fear and anticipate continuing to do so as you and your sisters grow. You are loved, you are loved, you are loved little one. I will be dreaming of you until I see your precious face.