Saturday, May 28, 2011


My personal, unofficial start of summer was today... the Tea Party! I have been going to the Chestertown Tea Party for as long as I can remember. Jameson started coming with me when we were dating and it was awesome being able to take Lucy for the first time as our family of three. Something new we have added to our tradition is the 5k run. I did it last year with Allison but wasn't quite trained enough since having Lucy. Bummer for me but this year Jameson ran and I look forward to the three of us participating next year. Who knows, maybe we'll try for the 10 mile run!!!

 Naturally, with our family, food is always one of the highlights. Jameson and I enjoyed the delicious clam strips, he with beer, me with lemonade, while Lucy had, well, what she eats ;) Jameson also tried the fried fish sandwhich but I think the beer was his favorite. One of the best things about having a baby girl is all the fun accessories we can play with. Lucy debuted her new summer hat today and I think pulled it off rather well.

 Until next year!

Friday, May 27, 2011


I thought I would take some time to share a little bit about each member of our family, at the recommendation of Jameson.

Jameson is now 25 years old, as of two weeks ago. He is working at Northrop Grumman as a, well i don't really know what his title is, something along the lines of an advanced mechanical systems specialist. Enough said. He has recently become obsessed with mountain biking and loves to head out to Tuckahoe or Patapsco whenever he has the chance. He is an excellent handy man and has completely turned our 85 year old house into a beautiful home that really reflects our laid back style and now feels like "ours." From overhauling the plumbing system to replacing floor joists, his hard work has paid off and I hope he is as proud of our home as I am of him. His "dream job" would be to start his own home improvement company where I know he would succeed. The hardest part is the first step right? He has completely fallen for Lucy and I can already see that she adores him as well. Daddy's little girl? I think yes :) He even changes diapers and has her by himself on the days when I have to work. She is definitely lucky to have him for her daddy.

I am 23 years old and the happiest I have ever been in my life. I am still on maternity leave from Ralph Lauren but have started getting busier with my real estate license that I got last summer. I also am working for my dad doing the books for his trucking company and hope to start teaching pilates again soon. I was able to teach up until  four weeks before Lucille was born and really miss being in that atmosphere and sharing what I love to do with other people. But my favorite job of all is being Lucy's mom. It has been "what I want to be when I grow up" for as long as I can remember. I have never felt so right in what I was doing as being home with her. I love to bake and try new recipes in the kitchen. Our whole family loves to eat and food is a big part of our everyday life. I also have enjoyed working with Jameson to design and decorate our home and will probably write about and include pictures at some point. *Please excuse the photo, i had just had a baby after all!

Lucille is the newest member of the family at ten weeks old and has completely rocked our world. We were happy as two but now see what she has added to our lives and our relationship. In the words of my FAVORITE country singer, Brad Paisley, "all of a sudden, oh it seems so strange to me, how we went from something's missing to a family." Lucy was a bit of a surprise to her daddy and I but entered our lives at one of the most difficult times our family has faced (more about that later) and instantly brought a sense of hope. She currently enjoys being held, rocked, and talked to and loves bath time with mommy. Her smile has become something I work to get out of her, though with her beautiful, easy disposition its not very hard work. She also loves being sung to, especially Neil Diamond by her Aunt Allison. She is changing every day and I love waking up with her every morning to see what she has in store for that day.

Otis is a year and seven months and never fails to entertain. He came to us on a plane from Ohio. weighing only 10 pounds, and now won't leave our yard at a whopping 50 pounds. He is the most loving dog I have ever met and has adapted well to no longer being the baby. I can already see how protective he is of Lucy and I know he looks forward to her growing into a playmate for him. He enjoys sitting on the porch, chewing on his nyla bone, and playing tug of war with his rope, as well as the occasional walk. He will climb in our lap when we sit on the floor and still likes being held like a baby. He is most definitely a momma's boy and follows me around where ever I go, loving to sit at my feet as I cook or watch dishes. But, he still enjoys outside time with daddy in the jungle of the backyard. You can't help but love that face.

So that's a little highlight of each of us, although I feel I could write for days about each of the amazing people/animal that make up our little family. I hope I am able to communicate my love and adoration for each of them in every post I write.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


The beginning of our Hunter story actually started on 10/10/2009. Maybe one day Ill write about that day but today is the first time I have decided to finally start writing down what makes me think our life is just perfect. Seeing Lucy grow and change over the last 10 weeks has showed me just how fast time passes and how much I want to remember every little detail, not just of her development but of all the little moments that make a lifetime. I see this as a journal of our everyday life that will one day be just memories, and I don't want to forget a thing. Having lost all of our "before" house pictures and each of my monthly pregnancy photos when our hard drive crashed, I also see this as a sure fire way to save our favorite pictures. So while this is probably a year and seven months late in starting, in the coming days I hope to record our story as we live out each day :)

I dedicate this story to Jameson, without who I would have no story to tell. And to Lucille, who shows me everyday the magic in small moments and just how blessed I am to be living this life. Thank you and I love you both with all of me...